Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Earn It

I'm on my way to lead an FACS Leadership Retreat in Gulf Shores, AL. I'm super excited about the opportunity to invest in these seniors and coaches. I'm praying for God's strength, wisdom, and relentless love to overwhelm our meeting times. It's going to be a great week.

Here's a glimpse of some of the things we'll talk about...


Saving Private Ryan is perhaps one of the greatest war movies of this generation. The movie takes place during World War II. After the invasion of fortress Europe on June 6th 1944, Captain John Miller (played by Tom Hanks) leads his squad from the 2nd Ranger Battalion of the 29th Infantry Division, on a mission to find and bring home Private James Francis Ryan (played by Matt Damon) after the death of his three brothers. The mission takes them through Nazi occupied territory to establish contact with Ryan's unit: an element of the 101st Airborne Division. However, during their mission several members of the squad are killed as they attempt to bring back Private Ryan. At the end of the Capt. Miller jumps in the line of fire and saves Ryan. Before his death Miller utters something into Ryan’s ear,

“Excuse me, sir” asks Ryan.
“Earn this…earn it.” says Miller as he dies.

Man, what a line. Can you imagine the enormity of the charge? Capt. Miller was telling Private Ryan to earn his death by living his life, and living it well. I’m not sure how I would feel holding the dying body of a man who just took a bullet for me, not to mention him telling me to earn his death.

I can’t help but to think about Jesus’ death on the cross for my sins. He sacrificed his life, experienced the pain of a criminal’s execution, and took on the wrath of God, so that I can live. Choosing to live my life for the moment, to live my life for selfish gain seems to cheapen the Jesus’ death for me. I know I can never earn my salvation, but I hope I’m living my life in such a way as to glorify His death that gives me life.

Pray for us this week.