Monday, November 8, 2010

In Action

It is so cool to see people being made into disciples.

A few weeks ago we had a man come forward during an invitation at one of our morning services who wanted to accept Christ.  Immediately you could tell this guy hadn't grown up in church, not to mention his sheer size is enough to fill a refrigerator box. 

To date, this guy accept Christ, attended our membership class, was baptized, and last night attended my "Discovering Spiritual Maturity" class (the second class in our Discovery process).  He is a changed man and I'm so excited for him.

Here is a man who has a wife, kids, and lived without Christ for many years.  But after encountering Christ, his life was significantly changed and his actions today are proof of the saving and incredible power of God.  He is being made into a true disciple and follower of is so good to see God in action and to observed people living out the 'switched' life.

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